7aste @ Penang... Clubbing later on

This wasn't a new post alright. I was suppose to post this last week once i got back from Penang trip to Magic and Makan.But lap top and Hard disk experience a super terrible disturbance.

I was invited by my friend to attend this event and below are pics that i took with my friends cam. Let the pic tells the story of that day.

Debbie a friend of mine that was too invited for this event.

Belinda Chee and Me ^^

Calvin and Me. I was suppose to do crazy to spoil the pic but the effort of nullified.

This are the crowd that day and the cyan blue lightning and some Medieval theme decoration.

You will be aid or entertained by these Angels tonight. Games and Photo shoot.

Finger food and Wines were served free tonight.

Photog and the photoBug( Her cam was polarized one)

It wasn't that hard right? Judging from the sweat this fellow had.

Here they even had PULL MACHINE! * more like touch machine*

Of cause a lil of magical moment of illusion.

Their smile and laughter was what kept us Performing Magic.

Later comes the dancers. Exotic huh?

She is one of the friends I got to know. And she and her gang brought us to some where later.

Me and the Boss of the event^^ PAr

You might not seen her before but you will be familiar with her voice when she speak.
She is the person that voiced for maxis. ex:voice mail

We were brought to several club for fun and magic.
And i think we are the most happening and crazy group in the all the club we go...
Will post out more of our penang experience once Im done with my lap top problem and crash.

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